Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh My Neti Pot

Last week I called my agent Maria at M and to much of my dismay she was (gasp!) stuffed up with nasal allergy's due to the common cold. Oh no, I thought, how is this woman going to concentrate when she has sinus pressure. As she was saying, What's a Neti Pot?, I hung up the phone, grabbed my neti pot and headed to her immediately.

I have to give credit to the person who ever so humbly showed me the magic of the Neti Pot, my friend Yuliya. I love house guests but a house guest who can teach me holistic remedy's is priceless. Yuliya suffers from allergies, like millions of people, and instead of taking an allergy pill like Claritin every day she incorporated the neti pot into her nightly regime along with tooth brushing to help her sinus's. I watched her in awe every night as she used her travel, dishwater safe neti pot. How does it work? Where is the salt water going?

Okay, so back the story. I went to share my knowledge with Maria. We went to the bathroom and I gave her instructions. Fill up the neti pot with body/room temperature water, mix in the salt packet, tilt your head, put the sprout up to your nostril, let gravity do it's thing and Voila! The neti pot is working it's magic. Then repeat for the other nostril. I was saying encouraging things like, "It's so natural, like the ocean!" and "You're going to love the way you feel after this!" We hugged it out after as the drainage came out...

Here's some pertinent information on Neti Pots: www.healingdaily.com/exercise/neti-pot.htm)
P.S The Neti-Pot works wonders for me after a flight with all that stale air. I tend to use it with the first onset of a cold. Nib it in the butt with the natural Neti-Pot.

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