Saturday, March 13, 2010

a lip licking 7 lbs...

Women will eat an average of 7 pounds of lipstick in their lifetime!

And it's not only that little statistic that is disconcerting, it is the fact that the FDA reviews a mere 11% of the some 10,500 ingredients in cosmetics. What that means is that we end up with a mouthful of irritating, toxic and even carcinogenic ingredients, some of which have even been banned by the EU but are still used in America.

Is beauty worth this???

After perusing this cosmetic database site several times over, looking up every possible skin cream to eye treatment that I've used, I am now feeling like a conscious consumer. Skin is our largest organ, and when healthy, is a thing of beauty. So let's stay kissable, ladies, and be aware of how we coat our body!