Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crap talk...

For whatever reason, this is actually a common conversation, we find, among models.
And because a healthy poo parallels good health, let's explore this topic.
Poop is essentially mostly water.
It's the 25% left of bacteria, dead and alive, protein, fiber and food residue, mucus from the liver, cellular linings, fats, cholesterol, salts and other waste material from food that makes us go "EW."

The goal is to stay regular and on a schedule of once a day, ideally.
The other times, discounting diarrhea, is an added bonus.

The concensus on healthy poo involves a few factors. It should be nearly odorless, about 18" long and 1-2" in diameter, come out somewhat like an unripe banana and be a golden brown.

Be wary of other colors, because they means something, too.

Alicia Silverstone is a vocal advocate of a healthy poo! And I love that Gillian McKeith of the show, "You Are What You Eat," talks at length on her show about it!
There have been whole shows devoted to this topic on Oprah, The Tyra Banks show, and Dr. Oz among others, I'm sure. And for good reason! Healthy poo is an indicator of a healthy body.

A tip to stay regular:
try squatting and at the same time each day.
It helps stimulate the bowels.

You can also add more fiber to your diet.
(For women, we should be getting at least 25g of fiber a day!)


  1. Wow... Thanks ladies. I feel as if I've met my yearly quota of crap talk. I feel lighter too... :)

  2. hahaha...you know, it really does matter. :)
